Inner Balance Healing

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The Importance Of Setting Intentions

In many mindful and spiritual traditions, the opening act is one of quiet contemplation and distillation of our purpose, whether we are sitting on a cushion, lying on a table, or standing on a yoga mat. These few moments of soul-powered declaration are incredibly powerful to bring about positive energy and change in whatever we are about to do. Most of us know of this act as “setting an intention”, and while it’s more commonly associated with the beginning of a yoga class, it’s a fantastic habit to get into before we do even the most ordinary of daily activities. For those of you who have worked with me, you’ll remember that I ask you to set an intention for our sessions together, tapping into what is intuitively desired by your body and soul. This is an important part of the work that I do, because it calls all of your energies on board for whatever healing adventure we are about to embark on, and gives a deeper meaning and aim to our time together.

I believe that this kind of thoughtful visualization is a wonderful way to mark the beginning of something new, and helps to build genuine momentum for the positive changes ahead. And so, as we come upon the New Year, I invite you to set some intentions for how you want your 2016 to go. Grab a journal if you’d like, sit down with a cup of tea, and ask yourself things like:

How do I want to feel this year?

How can I support my mind and body this year?

How do I envision my career growing and changing this year?

What kinds of relationships do I want to foster this year?

What kinds of things is my soul calling for this year?

Scribble down whatever answers flow from your heart, and try not to over think them too much. Then when you review all of your hopes, dreams, and goals for 2016, try to identify a common theme. Perhaps that is one of balance? Of physical healing? Of financial security? When we sit in the quiet and really listen, our higher selves reveal what they need and want the most. Then we can phrase those desires in a positive and empowering way, helping us manifest the changes that truly serve us!


So as we are on the cusp of a fresh calendar year, I offer that now is the time to clarify your intentions for 2016. And remember, your intentions carry more weight and more power when they are:

  • Worded in a positive manner (“I want to move with ease and flexibility” instead of “I want to fix my creaky joints”)

  • Aligned with your true self/greater good (You will feel it in your body when something rings true, as well as when something doesn’t sound quite right. Honor those signals.)

  • Placed somewhere that you see every day (Write them down on a sticky note and put it on the fridge or bathroom mirror)

  • Truly desired and invested in (Where your mind goes, your energy flows! Meditate on your intentions, dream about them, doodle them in your notebooks…)

You don’t have to stop at setting whole-year intentions, either. Experiment with setting an intention for the day when you wake up each morning, or setting an intention when you sit down to work on a project. You may be surprised at the energetic lift that you feel, and how easily things get done when you take time out for this mindful practice!

If you’ve been paying attention to the shifts happening over the past few months, you know that this coming year is going to be one of incredible growth and empowerment. So let’s all take advantage of this by setting some positive intentions to help us move forward in an authentic and balanced way.

Wishing you many blessings in this New Year!