Healing PTSD Part 2: Massage Therapy

Healing PTSD Part 2: Massage Therapy

There is incredible transformation possible when using energy medicine in such tough cases, and that’s not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to holistic world of healing. Because trauma and stress affect the nervous system, up-regulating it into “fight or flight” mode, it’s a wise therapeutic move to focus on modalities that have shown to be effective in down-regulating the nervous system.

Healing PTSD Part 1: Reiki

Healing PTSD Part 1: Reiki

Because this condition is so intricate and deeply personal, the treatment options are varied, running the gamut with medication, exposure therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), and alternative treatments like acupuncture, Qi gong, massage, Reiki, Craniosacral therapy and more. Over the coming weeks, we’ll explore some of these modalities and their benefits in treating PTSD, starting today with Reiki.

Why The World Needs More Reiki Practitioners

Why The World Needs More Reiki Practitioners

Our society is at a place unlike any place it’s ever been in history. The collective is shifting on a regular basis, and our thoughts and actions are having a more concrete impact than they ever have before. Perhaps you’ve noticed that things in your own life are changing? Maybe you’ve been given more signs and direction lately, or you’re starting to pay closer attention to the messages popping up in your life?

The Importance Of Setting Intentions

The Importance Of Setting Intentions

In many mindful and spiritual traditions, the opening act is one of quiet contemplation and distillation of our purpose, whether we are sitting on a cushion, lying on a table, or standing on a yoga mat. These few moments of soul-powered declaration are incredibly powerful to bring about positive energy and change in whatever we are about to do. Most of us know of this act as “setting an intention”, and while it’s more commonly associated with the beginning of a yoga class, it’s a fantastic habit to get into before we do even the most ordinary of daily activities.

Tap Into The Wisdom Of Winter

Tap Into The Wisdom Of Winter

To really get the most out of this beautiful yearly cycle, we must be aware and tuned into the rhythms of nature and of our own lives, and yet most of us plow through life in the same manner, no matter what month it is. If you have been pushing yourself too hard lately, this is your invitation to slow down and go within. Because if we take the time to quiet our minds and listen, winter has a bounty of wisdom to share with us.

Balance Your Brain With Kirtan Kriya

Balance Your Brain With Kirtan Kriya

This special meditation involves singing a certain set of syllables (kirtan in Sanskrit means song) along with a corresponding set of hand movements or “mudras” (kriya refers to specific movements) that are designed to bring about peace and healing. This unique and beautiful practice has been shown to both activate and balance parts of the brain that are linked to memory. Clinical studies have found that just 12 minutes per day of Kirtan Kriya can boost cognitive abilities, as well as overall mood.

3 Ways That Loving-Kindness Meditation Can Make You A Better Person

3 Ways That Loving-Kindness Meditation Can Make You A Better Person

This style of meditation focuses on growing kindness and equanimity within us- something that we can all agree is a good thing! These innate emotions and feelings of connectedness and goodwill are accessible within all of us, and when we allow them to come forth, we can change not only our brains, but also our community around us.

Moments of Grace

Moments of Grace

A friend had recently celebrated her 70th birthday and posed this question: what is your best memory? Lots of memories flashed through my mind. What finally settled was the moment right after my son was born. I remembered looking into his clear eyes and feeling the birthing room with its beeping machines and busy nurses drop away. I knew this person and he knew me. And while I didn’t realize it until nearly twenty years later sitting in my friend’s living room, that moment of bone-deep recognition has helped to sustain me through the ups and downs of mothering a strong, independent child.

2013 – Year of the Snake

2013 – Year of the Snake

It was a beautiful Colorado day, but I was in a funk, doubting myself and wondering if I was on track with my life. To clear my mind, I hopped on my bicycle and headed for the Poudre trail. As my legs warmed up, I asked spirit for a sign, any sign, that I was doing OK and that all was truly well. I didn’t ask out of desperation, but simply put in a request that I could use a little support.